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International Exhibition “It’s Always Tea-time”

Muzikante-GundegaThe exhibition is inspired by the book Alice in Wonderland and celebrates its 150th anniversary this year. Seventy-two artists from 19 countries participate, perhaps the most exotic among them being Iran and Israel.

Curator Viive Noor: ‘Most of these artists are among the world’s best illustrators and their works have not previously been displayed, not only in Estonia, but in the entire Baltic Sea region. It is likely that the works of many will not reach these parts soon again, so if you want to find out what is happening in the great world and what the artists of far away countries are working on, the exhibition is your chance to come and see for yourself. These are original illustrations that are always worth taking a look at. Besides that, all the works have been made especially for this exhibition, so you will never see these images in books.’

The exhibition will be open from the 2nd October until the 28th November in the illustration gallery of the Estonian Children`s Literature Centre. An exhibition about puppets is shown in the fairytale attic of the Centre. In December, the exhibition will start travelling around the world, first to the Latvian National Library and afterwards to Finland, Poland, Germany, Hungary, Russia and Italy.

Additional information: Viive Noor, Curator of the Exhibition, The Estonian Children`s Literature Centre, +372 55 579 930, viivenoor@gmail.com