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5 Best-Designed Children’s Books of 2021

5 Best-Designed Children’s Books of 2021 were announced in the Estonian Literature Union hall on February 10th, 2022. The Special Prize of the Estonian Children’s Literature Centre was awarded to the book Lydia, illustrated and designed by Jaan Rõõmus and written by Kätlin Kaldmaa.

The professional expert jury made their selection from 51 books that were nominated for the competition. Members of the jury included: the chair Triinu Lepp (Estonian Publishers’ Union), Kadi Kurema (Estonian Graphic Designers’ Association), Anneliis Lepp (Estonian Children’s Literature Centre), Regina Lukk-Toompere (Estonian Graphic Designers’ Association), Jüri Mildeberg (Estonian Graphic Designers’ Association), Rene Mäe (the National Library of Estonia), Ulla Saar (Estonian Graphic Designers’ Association), Kertu Sillaste (Estonian Graphic Designers’ Association), Urmas Viik (Estonian Artists’ Union). 

The 5 Best-Designed Children’s Books of 2021 are:

  • Potatoe Kingdom illustrated by Anne Pikkov, designed by Endla Toots, written by Helena Koch
  • Timid Little Fox illustrated and designed by Catherine Zarip, written by Liis Sein
  • Squirrel’s Birthday and Other Stories illustrated by Regina Lukk-Toompere, designed by Regina Lukk-Toompere and Kalle Toompere, written by Toon Tellegen
  • Help! illustrated by Kertu Sillaste, designed by Endla Toots
  • Lydia illustrated and designed by Jaan Rõõmus, written by Kätlin Kaldmaa (the Special Prize of the Estonian Children’s Literature Centre)

The Special Prize of the Jury was awarded to Rachel, Anders and the Wormholes illustrated and designed by Marja-Liisa Plats and written by Reeli Reinaus, The Kite Spreads Friendship illustrated by Ulla Saar, designed by Liis Karu and written by Aino Pervik.

The Special Prize to the Illustrator by the Estonian Graphic Designers’ Association was awarded to Fred Kotkas for the book Belly Button Fluff written together with Johannes Veski.

The competition, which was initiated in 1998 by the Estonian Graphic Designers’ Association and the National Library of Estonia, includes representatives from the Estonian Children’s Literature Centre, the Association of Estonian Printmakers, and the Estonian Publishers’ Union on its jury. The awards are meant to show appreciation for illustrated children’s books as an element of intellectual culture. Books’ overall makeup is assessed, with special attention given to the quality of illustration. The competition is held in conjunction with the selection of winners of the “25 Best-Designed Estonian Books” competition.