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NEW Catalogue Children’s Books From Estonia 2020

The brand new catalogue Children’s Books From Estonia 2019 is used to introduce Estonian children’s and young-adult literature. The catalogue includes information about new popular and critically acclaimed books.

The books in the catalogue are grouped based on the age group of prospective readers and the selection includes works that are potentially interesting to foreign publishers. In addition to a short summary of the works, the catalogue also includes short informative introductions of the authors and illustrators. Also, the pages of the catalogue are designed with illustrations from the books introduced. Introductions of longer works are equipped with reading samples.

The catalogue was created by Helena Koch, Jaanika Palm, Anu Kehman and Ülle Väljataga. Texts are translated into English by Adam Cullen and Susan Wilson. Cover photo is by Marja-Liisa Plats and design by Katrin Kaev. Printed in Estonia by Printon.

DOWNLOAD PDF: Children’s Books From Estonia

Tiiu Kitsik. The Crocodile’s Tale. Illustrated by the author.
Aidi Vallik. The My Body Series. Illustrated by Elina Sildre.
Hasso Krull. The Evil Fish Café. Illustrated by Marja-Liisa Plats.

Piret Jaaks. Mommy’s Dragon. Illustrated by Marju Tammik.
Ülo Pikkov. Tap, Tap! Illustrated by Anne Pikkov.
Piret Veigel. The Gingerbread Story. Illustrated by Catherine Zarip.

Kadri Kiho. The Day Full of Holes. Illustrated by Mirjam Siim.
Liis Sein. Saskia Looks for Colors. Illustrated by Catherine Zarip.

Andrus Kivirähk. The Ghost and Facebook. Illustrated by Heiki Ernits.
Leelo Tungal. Julius the Bunny’s Computer. Illustrated by Regina Lukk-Toompere.
Margit Saluste. All Jobs Are Good Jobs. Illustrated by the author.

Kadri Hinrikus. What Do You Dream About? Illustrated by Anu Kalm.
Aidi Vallik. Soapy’s World. Illustrated by Lumimari.
Kadri Hinrikus. Pandemonium. Illustrated by Anne Pikkov.

Kristi Piiper. Our New Home Is Haunted. Illustrated by Sirly Oder.
Ilmar Tomusk. The Carrot Pie. Illustrated by Heiki Ernits.
Kairi Look. Piia Biscuit and the Bandits. Illustrated by Ulla Saar.
Tiina Laanem. Meg, Our Class, and I. Illustrated by Andres Varustin.

Hugo Vaher. The Summer Trackers. Illustrated by Joonas Sildre.
Paul-Eerik Rummo. When Wolf Was Still Human. Illustrated by Kaido Ole.

Jaanus Vaiksoo. Shoe #39. Illustrated by Katrin Kaev.

Reeli Reinaus. Under the Sign of the Rose.

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