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International exhibition Fox Spirit. Fox Charm

An international exhibition Fox Spirit. Fox Charm is open in the illustration gallery of the Estonian Children’s Literature Centre from March 8th to April 30th 2022. The exhibition features 48 illustrators from Estonia and abroad.

The werefox from Chinese and Japanese mythology is a relatively unknown phenomenon in Europe. In the countries of Oriental culture this creature is both feared and loved. Not to be confused with our werewolf, this shape-shifting spirit-being has the ability to appear to us as a divinely charming maiden, a finely educated scholar or an ordinary wild fox. It can suck out a human’s life juices, push them to the verge of death and go look for a new victim. Or become a faithful and good spirit who protects you against evil people, offers heavenly joys and is a conversation partner who uplifts your soul.

According to the exhibition curator Viive Noor, this exhibition tries to reflect on how this divine creature is seen, understood and perceived by the people who do not belong to the Oriental culture, on how a person from the West imagines it. „Each artists regards things of the world differently, but here the difference of cultures also plays a role. Maybe the Chinese and the Japanese will look at these pictures with a smile, but we hope it is a benevolent one“ Noor added.

Participating artists:
Andreja Peklar, Liis Roden, Yana Sedova, Eike Ülesoo, Natalie Pudalov, Svetlana Rumak, Maris Siimer,Maarja,Vannas-Raid, Tiina Mariam Reinsalu, Ulla Saar, Elina Sildre, Catherine Zarip, Lena Revenko, Glenda Sburelin, Virpi Talvetie, Urmas Viik, Hanna Karaleva, Regina Lukk-Toompere, Daniela Iride Murgia, Viive Noor, Kadi Kurema, Jüri Mildeberg, Gundega Muzikante, Igor Oleynikov, Selena Leardini, Octavia Monaco, Aleksejs Naumovs, Sergio Olivotti, Anne Linnamägi, Lucija Mrzljak, Piret Niinepuu-Kiik, Anita Paegle, Mohammad Barrangi Fashtami, Andrea Calisi, Katrin Ehrlich, Kadri Ilves, Ignasi Blanch, Judith Clay, Victoria Fomina, Olga Ionaytis, Aljoscha Blau, Daniela Costa, Darja Gerasimova, Lina Itagaki, Annalisa Bollini, Giuseppe D’asta, Matteo Gubelllini and Ana Juan.

Illustration by Andreja Peklar