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Bologna Children’s Book Fair launched a virtual edition

International Bologna Book Fair launched a virtual fair due to global corona virus lock-downs. The four-day virtual fair includes, illustration exhibitions, webinars, book trailers, conferences, award ceremonies and a new blog. 

Bologna Children’s Book Fair is a meeting place for professionals engaged in children’s literature. They meet to trade publishing licenses, find the best new books, network, and exchange ideas about the new trends in the field. This year the fair is hosted online due to world-wide corona virus lock-downs. Registered guests and visitors will get access to an online trading hub BCBF Global Rights Exchange

for publishing rights. Additionally, the fair web-page and social media channels will publish articles, interviews, book trailers etc.

Estonia is represented in the virtual fair by the Estonian Children’s Literature Centre and the Estonian Publisher’s Association.

The fair was opened by an online conference discussing children’s publishing during the worldwide lockdown and the industry’s prospects in a world marked by the experience of the virus.

See the program on the web-page of the International Bologna Chilren’s Book Fair.

The next fair will be held in Bologna from 12 to 15 April 2021.

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