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A Lullaby Book

Aidi Vallik

  • Illustrator: Lumimari
  • Language: Estonian
  • Lugu-Loo
  • 2020, 48 pp
  • ISBN: 9789916951910
  • fiction, poetry, picturebook
  • Age: 5+
If you've ever wanted to sing a lullaby to a spotty banana that you've forgotten in a fruit bowl for slightly too long – this is your book. But that's not all! There is also a lullaby to an earthworm (essential!), to a red bicycle (vital!), to a strawberry (mandatory!), and most important of all – to a big rowdy man, because how else is he going to calm down other than a lullaby? Skilfully rhymed and wittily composed lullabies for any critical situation life throws at you.
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