- Illustrator: Stella Salumaa
- Päike ja Pilv
- 2022, 42 pp
- ISBN: 9789916630259
- picturebook, fiction
- Age: 5+
Endel feels right at home while driving his bus. His wonderful colleague Kati, who resides somewhere under the dashboard, announces all the bus stops in a confident and mellow voice while Endel is behind the wheel. Yet one Thursday Kati has fallen ill and Endel has to take over. He doesn't like it one bit as he has a severe fear of crowds and performing. How on earth is he supposed to manage names like Prophecy, Penguinless, Empterdi or Ertshertsog Ernst Square?

2023 The White Raven
2023 Tartu Prize for Children's Literature (Childhood Prize), nominee
2022 Annual Children’s Literature Award of the Cultural Endowment of Estonia
2022 Raisin of the Year award for the most remarkable children’s book of the year
2022 Good Children's Book
2021 The Knee-High Book Competition, 1st place
2023 Tartu Prize for Children's Literature (Childhood Prize), nominee
2022 Annual Children’s Literature Award of the Cultural Endowment of Estonia
2022 Raisin of the Year award for the most remarkable children’s book of the year
2022 Good Children's Book
2021 The Knee-High Book Competition, 1st place