- Illustrator: Sirly Oder
- Pegasus
- 2024, 152 pp
- ISBN: 9789916167748
- storybook, fiction
- Age: 9+
To Liisu, it seems like adults are always able to do exactly what they want while kids have to do whatever grown-ups say. Take for example when her mom, who has been galivanting around Europe, suddenly returns home and wants to take over raising Liisu, who has been living with her grandma, a.k.a. Mamma. Or when her dad only starts showing an interest in his daughter after his athletic career comes to an end. Obviously, her mom can move to one end of the country and her dad to the other, and she has no choice but to bounce back and forth between the two. Yet, the last straw comes when her dad invites his girlfriend and her sons to move in. Liisu wants to go back to live with Mamma: Mamma always has time for her, Mamma understands her, and Mamma always discusses things instead of yelling. Liisu knows that she and Mamma can manage anything together. The only question is how to get back to Mamma’s home in Finland. Not even that is an obstacle, however, because Liisu has a plan and several friends who will help her carry it out.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
"Liisu Runs Away gives many young readers the opportunity to discuss and reflect on children’s rights topics both independently and with their families. And that is exactly what a good children’s book should do."
"The book is both fun and adventurous on one hand, yet very sad on the other, prompting readers to reflect on what and who are most important to us in life."
"Liisu Runs Away gives many young readers the opportunity to discuss and reflect on children’s rights topics both independently and with their families. And that is exactly what a good children’s book should do."
- Oskar Helde's Bookblog
"The book is both fun and adventurous on one hand, yet very sad on the other, prompting readers to reflect on what and who are most important to us in life."
- Anne Kõrge, book ekspert
2024 Nominee of the Annual Children’s Literature Award of the Cultural Endowment of Estonia
2024 Good Children’s Book
2024 Good Children’s Book