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Rosie Wants to Fly

Piret Raud

  • Illustrator: Piret Raud
  • Language: Estonian
  • Mustvalge Kirjastus
  • 2013, 32 pp
  • ISBN: 978994992772
  • fiction, picturebook
  • Age: 5+
Rosie is an ordinary horse who would like to be like her famous ancestor – Pegasus, who lived in Ancient Greece and could fly. Rosie flaps her legs, jumps off of a chair and a ladder, and ultimately even goes parachuting, but still cannot fly. Mongrel – the kind descendent of the three-headed Greek hellhound Cerberus – comforts Rosie, telling her it isn’t worth taking that ancestor thing so seriously! Rosie sits and thinks a while, and suddenly, a poem pops into her head. Writing poetry is great, and makes Rosie feel as if she is flying!