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Stories of a Small Wolf

Juhani Püttsepp

  • Illustrator: Liisa Maria Murdvee
  • Language: Estonian
  • Päike ja Pilv
  • 2009, 32 pp
  • ISBN: 9789985999707
  • fiction, storybook
  • Age: 6+
Little wolf tells her cub about her life and the differences between wolves and people. Baby wolves do not go to the kindergarten or wear nappies, nor do they need to change their clothes, but they play and dance like all children. Little wolves also have their very own home as children do, but a very different home. Baby wolves miss their parents just like humans – this is why they howl. Whereas fairy tales usually depict wolves as mean and bloodthirsty characters, this book aims to make children sympathetic to wolves and teaches them to understand nature better. The artist has not stopped at merely illustrating the text but also offers witty additional interpretations with her illustrations.
2009 5 Best Designed Children’s Books, special prize of jury for new promising illustrator
2008 The Knee-High Book Competition, 1st–2nd place
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