- Illustrator: Piret Niinepuu-Kiik
- Language: Estonian
- Päike ja Pilv
- 2016, 24 pp
- ISBN: 9789949986217
- fiction, picturebook
- Age: 5+
Rights sold: Korean, Russian, Slovenian, Croatian
One dark and cold winter’s night, a fluffy layer of fresh white snow falls over the forest. In the morning, the forest creatures can’t believe their luck. The animal-children quickly pull on their hats and mittens, grab their sleds, and hurry off to the big hill. Only the little mouse isn’t in a rush to go anywhere, because he has no sled. Silently, he shuffles after his friends.
One dark and cold winter’s night, a fluffy layer of fresh white snow falls over the forest. In the morning, the forest creatures can’t believe their luck. The animal-children quickly pull on their hats and mittens, grab their sleds, and hurry off to the big hill. Only the little mouse isn’t in a rush to go anywhere, because he has no sled. Silently, he shuffles after his friends.
Мышонок, у которого не было санок
Illustrator: Piret Niinepuu-Kiik
Translator: Darja Nalepina
2018, 24 pp
ISBN: 9785433506787
Pripovijest o mišu koji nije imao sanjke
Illustrator: Piret Niinepuu-Kiik
Translator: Boris Vidović
2020, 23 pp
ISBN: 9789537997854
O mišku, ki ni imel sani
Illustrator: Piret Niinepuu-Kiik
Translator: Julija Potrč Šavli
2020, 23 pp
ISBN: 9789617047684