- Illustrator: Pamela Samel
- Päike ja Pilv
- 2022, 24 pp
- ISBN: 9789916630280
- picturebook, fiction
- Age: 3+
Tubes are everywhere: beneath the sink, inside rolls of toilet paper, and attached to vacuum cleaners. Some are used for sipping juice, others for blowing through. If you look closely, then even your pants are tubes. There are even tubes inside your own body: take your nostrils, for instance! But what do you think might be the longest tube in the world?

2023 Bologna Children's Book Fair Illustrators Exhibition winner
2023 Tubes was selected for the 2023 Bologna Ragazzi Awards “Amazing Bookshelf”
2023 “dPictus 100” Outstanding Picture Books 2023 showcase
2021 The Knee-High Book Competition, 3rd place
2023 Tubes was selected for the 2023 Bologna Ragazzi Awards “Amazing Bookshelf”
2023 “dPictus 100” Outstanding Picture Books 2023 showcase
2021 The Knee-High Book Competition, 3rd place