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Jaanus Vaiksoo


Jaanus Vaiksoo (1967) is a children’s author, literary scholar, and instructor. He graduated from Tallinn University in Estonian language and literature. Vaiksoo has written over 20 books of stories and poetry for children and has contributed to the children’s magazine Täheke. Additionally, he has published a book of ABCs, scripts for television and TV films, and an adventure libretto. The psychological intricacy of Vaiksoo’s characters and their depiction through a prism of warm humour offer support to readers of sensitive ages and helps them on their path to adulthood.

Profile photo: Eike Ülesoo


Shoe nr. 42

Illustrator: Katrin Kaev
2024, 144 pp
ISBN: 9789916928837
fiction, storybook

Shoe nr. 41

Illustrator: Katrin Kaev
2022, 190 pp
ISBN: 9789949727261
storybook, fiction

Shoe nr. 40

Illustrator: Katrin Kaev
2020, 192 pp
ISBN: 9789949727247
fiction, storybook

Shoe nr. 39

Illustrator: Katrin Kaev
2019, 183 pp
ISBN: 9789949727223
fiction, storybook

39. izmēra kurpes

Original title: Shoe nr. 39
Language: Latvian
Illustrator: Katrin Kaev
Translator: Daila Ozola
Zvaigzne ABC
2023, 192 pp
ISBN: 9789934321283
storybook, fiction

Čevelj št. 39

Original title: Shoe nr. 39
Language: Slovenian
Translator: Julija Potrč Šavli
2023, 212 pp
ISBN: 9789612726249
storybook, fiction
Nominee of the Tartu Prize for Children’s Literature (Shoe # 40)


The White Ravens (Shoe #39)


Annual Children’s Literature Award of the Cultural Endowment of Estonia (Shoe #39)
Good Children’s Book (Shoe #39)


Nominee of the Tartu Prize for Children’s Literature (Three Autumns)


Good Children’s Book (Three Autumns)


Ajakirja Täheke ja Riigikantselei luulevõistlus „Meie oma Eesti lipp”, põhiauhind (luuletus „Põhjatuulemaal”)


Annual Children’s Literature Award of the Cultural Endowment of Estonia (Soup Pot Carnival)
Good Children’s Book (Soup Pot Carnival)


Best European Schoolbooks, 3rd place (Alphabet Book)


Karl Eduard Sööt Children’s Poetry Award (The Clockmaker’s Wife)
Eesti Lastekirjanduse Keskus