Priit Põhjala (1982) is a semiotician, editor, publisher, and children’s writer. He holds a master’s degree in semiotics and culturology and attended doctoral studies in the same field in the University of Tartu. Currently, Põhjala works as an editor at the Tänapäev publishing house and writes linguistics-themed columns for the Estonian teachers’ newspaper Õpetajate Leht. He has written two children’s books that are characterised by warm humour and a fluid style. Positive reception by the author’s young audience has secured him success in the Nukits Competition.
Profile photo: private collection
Doktor Mati, weterynarz
Original title: Uncle Mati, Veterinarian
Language: Polish
Illustrator: Anni Mäger
Translator: Anna Michalczuk-Podlecki
2021, 112 pp
ISBN: 9788373505056
Дядя Мати, ветеринар
Original title: Uncle Mati, Veterinarian
Language: Russian
Illustrator: Anni Mäger
Translator: Jelena Baljasnaja
Bri & Ko
2020, 112 pp
ISBN: 9789949727520
fiction, storybook
Good Children’s Book (Dr. Tindiplekk’s Workshop)
Tartu Prize for Children’s Literature (Childhood Prize) nominee (Mr. Mati, Veterinarian)
Annual Children’s Literature Award of the Cultural Endowment of Estonia nominee (Mr. Mati, Veterinarian)
Nukits Competition, 3rd place (My Grandpa is a Cat Burglar!)
Annual Children’s Literature Award of the Cultural Endowment of Estonia nominee (My Grandpa is a Cat Burglar!)
Good Children’s Book (Dr. Tindiplekk’s Workshop)
Tartu Prize for Children’s Literature (Childhood Prize) nominee (Mr. Mati, Veterinarian)
Annual Children’s Literature Award of the Cultural Endowment of Estonia nominee (Mr. Mati, Veterinarian)
Nukits Competition, 3rd place (My Grandpa is a Cat Burglar!)
Annual Children’s Literature Award of the Cultural Endowment of Estonia nominee (My Grandpa is a Cat Burglar!)