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Indrek Koff at the Brussels Book Fair

Indrek Koff participated in the Brussels Book Fair and conducted a workshop titled From Sound to Image, from Image to a Story on March 8th, 2020.

The author introduced his children’s book Ten Little Butterflies in the workshop. The book was created in an unconventional way. The author wrote his stories based on the drawings of the illustrator Marion Undusk. Therefore, it could be said that these stories illustrate the pictures and not the other way around.

Children could test during the work shop how sounds, pictures, and stories are related to one another. they heard different sounds, draw pictures based on those sounds, and wrote stories to accompany the pictures.

Brussels Book Fair was held from March 5th–8th, 2020. It concentrates on French-speaking expression and brings together publishers from France, Switzerland, Luxembourg, Quebec and Belgium. It also welcomes guests from all over the world.

Photograph: Dimitri Kotjuh

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