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Guntars Godiņš

Guntars Godiņš (1958) is a poet as well as a translator of Estonian and Finnish literature. He has published five Latvian poetry collections and his own selected works have been published in Estonian, English and Swedish translations. Many of his poems have also been translated into Finnish, Russian, Lithuanian, Ukrainian, Czech, Chinese, Thai and other languages.

Over the years he has worked for the literary magazines, Avots and Latvju teksti, Latvian Radio, the Latvian Writers' Union as well as serving as the Cultural Attaché at the Latvian Embassy in Estonia for 13 years.

Among his translations are Estonian national epic Kalevipoeg (The Son of Kalev) and novels by Ene Mihkelson, Jaan Kaplinski, Jaak Jõerüüt, Leelo Tungal and others. He has translated selected poetry publications of many poets – Artur Alliksar, Ilmar Laaban, Hando Runnel, Andres Ehin, Hasso Krull, Contra and others. He has also translated a great number of children's books.

Estonian children's literature is well-known in Latvia. The Lotte books are very popular, as are Andrus Kivirähk's story collections – Poop and Spring and The Carneval and Potato Salad. (These stories were subsequently adapted for a theatre production.) After the publication of Leelo Tungal's collection of children's poetry, many Latvian children quickly knew these poems by heart. Similarly Contra's book of poems Everyoneʼs the Smartest provided a lot of pleasure for young, as well as older, readers.

What I admire in the work of Estonian children's book authors is their restraint and good taste, their ready wit and word-play and the stylistic diversity they display. To translate their texts is a delight and great pleasure. A job done is always gratifying.

Latvian Copyright Agency AKKA/LAA Author’s Award (Heli Laaksoneni ja Contra luulevalimiku tõlke eest)
Läti luuletaja Dzintars Sodums autasu (Contra luulevalimiku tõlke eest)
Latvian Award for Literature (Fr. R. Kreutzwaldi, Kalevipoeg)
Fr. R. Kreutzwaldi mälestusmedal eesti rahva eepose "Kalevipoeg" tõlke eest
The Janis Baltvilks Translator’s Award, Latvian Council of Children’s and Young-Adult Literature (Heli Laaksoneni lasteraamatu tõlke eest)
Latgale autasu Boņuks (Lutsu muinusjuttude tõlge eest)
Latvian-Estonian Translation Award (Artur Alliksaare luulevalimiku tõlke eest)
Latvian Award for Literature (Heli Laaksoneni luulevalimiku tõlke eest)
The Janis Baltvilks Translator’s Award, Latvian Council of Children’s and Young-Adult Literature (Andrus Kivirähki lasteraamatu "Kaka ja kevad" tõlke eest)
The Janis Baltvilks Translator’s Award, Latvian Council of Children’s and Young-Adult Literature (Andrus Kivirähki lasteraamatu "Leiutajateküla Lotte" tõlke eest)
Latvian-Estonian Translation Award (Jaan Kaplinski, Andres Ehini ja Andrus Kivirähki raamatute tõlke eest)
Latvian Poetry Days Prize (Mats Traadi luulekogu "Harala elulood" tõlke eest)
Latvian Potry Days Prize (Ilmar Laabani luulevalimiku tõlke eest)
Latvian Award for Literature (eesti rahvaluule kogumiku tõlke eest)
Eesti Kultuurkapitali autasu Via Estica (Jaan Kaplinski luulekogu tõlke eest)
Eesti Kultuurkapitali autasu Via Estica (D. Kareva, T. Õnnepalu, H. Runneli, A. Alliksaare, P. E. Rummo luulekogude tõlke eest)
Läti luuletaja Ojārs Vācietise kirjanduspreemia (oma luulekogu ja soome rahvaluule kogumiku "Kanteletar" tõlke eest)

Kaka un pavasaris

Original title: Poo and Spring
Language: Latvian
Illustrator: Edmunds Jansons
Translator: Guntars Godiņš
Liels un mazs
2012, 102 pp
ISBN: 9789984820422
fiction, storybook

Karnevāls un kartupeļu salāti

Original title: Carnival and Potato Salad
Language: Latvian
Illustrator: Edmunds Jansons
Translator: Guntars Godiņš
Liels un mazs
2016, 95 pp
ISBN: 9789934533716
fiction, storybook

Tilda un putekļu eņģelis

Original title: Tilda and the Dust Angel
Language: Latvian
Illustrator: Takinada
Translator: Guntars Godiņš
Zvaigzne ABC
2020, 144 pp
ISBN: 9789934085840
fiction, storybook

Daudzpusīgais ronis

Illustrator: Mārtinš Zutis
Translator: Guntars Godiņš
Liels un mazs
2014, 68 pp
ISBN: 9789984820873
fiction, poetry

Kurš uzvarēs? Hto peremozhe?

Original title: Who Will Win?
Language: Latvian
Illustrator: Oksana Drachkovska
Translator: Katja Novak etc...
2024, 64 pp
ISBN: 9789984335766
fiction, picturebook