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Online readings of Estonian children’s books in Finnish

Many libraries have started to provide online reading out loud sessions for children during the corona virus crisis lock-downs. Our neighbours in Finland can enjoy many stories from Estonian authors translated to Finnish.

Spirited and humorous stories in the book Piia Biscuit Moves In by Kairi Look are available on the Kuopio City Library Youtube channel.

Also the fairy tale lessons of Kallio Library continue online during the virus. And in one of the lessons the beloved Estonian-Finnish author Sofi Oksanen reads and Estonian classic The Egg by Julius Oro

Additionally, the reading of Andrus Kivirähk’s jolly collection of short stories Poo and Spring is available at the theatre lovers Facebook-page Rakastajat-teatteri. And the beloved children’s story by Silvi Väljal called Jussike’s Seven Friends is available for viewers and listeners in part one and part two at the same Facebook-page as well.




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