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New illustration exhibitions open at the centre

From January 31st to February 23rd, children’s literature center will host the exhibition Fresh Book Pictures and the solo exhibition by illustrator Ulla Saar, presenting the latest works of estonian book artists.

The works of Katrin Ehrlich, Kadri Ilves, Tuulike Kivestu Rotella, Kadi Kurema, Anne Linnamägi, Regina Lukk-Toompere, Viive Noor, Kertu Sillaste and Catherine Zarip can be seen at the exhibition of Fresh Book Pictures. In the stairwell gallery, you can explore Ulla Saar’s personal exhibition.

The exhibitions can be visited during the opening hours of the center, Mon-Fri 10-18 and Sat 11-16.

Additional information: Viive Noor, Curator, (+372) 55 579 930, viivenoor@gmail.com