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Puppet art exhibition “Secret garden”

From 19th of June to 31st of August, Studio 14’s puppet art exhibition “Secret Garden” is open in the attic of the Estonian Children’s Literature Centre.

The exhibition is based on the book “Secret Garden” by Frances Elisa Hodgson Burnett and it features the works of professional puppeteers, potters and props. The works of Resa Tiitsmaa, Natalja Volohhonski, Sveta Aleksejeva, Svetlana Sorgina, Aire Kapstas, Karina Limits, Natalja Stashkevič, Annika Aedma, Sirje Raudsepp, Irina Kraud, Kirill Tugov, Evelin Vassar, Tiina Kaljuste and Studio 14 are represented at the exhibition. The curator of the exhibition is Tatjana Mohryakova.

Photo of Resa Tiitsmaa’s “Poppy Girl”