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VII Tallinn Illustrations Triennial

The most influential illustration event in Northern Europe – the 7th Tallinn Illustration Triennial (TIT) “Power of Pictures” – will take place at the Estonian Museum of Architecture.

From November 3rd to December 3rd, 2023, the Estonian Museum of Architecture will host the 7th Tallinn Illustration Triennial “Power of Pictures,” featuring 82 illustrators from 26 countries. Over 300 works will be exhibited, providing an overview of the finest in the world of illustration art.

The aim of the Illustration Triennial is to inspire people to notice and appreciate illustration. Equally important is the presentation of Estonian illustrators on the international stage, which the triennial also promotes. The triennial will be accompanied by a public and educational program. At the same time, the Estonian Children’s Literature Centre will host a solo exhibition by the previous triennial’s winner, Mexican artist Amanda Mijangos.

The curator of the Illustration Triennial is Viive Noor, and the exhibition designer is Mae Kivilo. The organizers of the triennial are the Estonian Children’s Literature Centre, the Estonian Association of Designers, and the National Library of Estonia. The triennial is supported by the City of Tallinn, the Ministry of Culture, the Estonian Cultural Endowment, the Estonian Museum of Architecture, and the Estonian Publishers Association.

For more information, visit: www.facebook.com/tallinnillustrationstriennial 

Illustration by Juan Carlos Hoyos Silva (Colombia)