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Priit Rea


Priit Rea graduated in design from the Estonian Academy of Arts in 1980. He is a member of the Estonian Artist’s Association and the Estonian Graphic Designers’ Association. Rea is also the art director of the children’s magazine Täheke.

At some point I wanted to become a sailor and travel to far-away lands but my mother enrolled me in an art orientated school and from there I ended up studying at the Estonian Academy of Arts. After graduating I worked at a design office for a few years, developing wooden products. Then I ended up working for a publishing house that also published children’s books. Since I loved to draw, my career as a book illustrator began.

Profile photo: Piia Ruber

Estonian Christmas Fairy Tales. cover, TEA, 2007, mixed mediaEstonian Christmas Fairy Tales. Elar Kuus. Magic axe, TEA, 2007, mixed mediaOtt Arder. Jellyfish, TEA, 2008, segatehnikaOtt Arder. Jellyfish, TEA, 2008, mixed mediaOlivia Saar. Rawr the Lion's and Jack the Rabbit's: old and new stories, TEA, 2008, mixed mediaJuta Kaidla „Forest Folk's Winter Feast”, 2009, mixed mediaAlide Dahlberg. Uncle Mole's Party, 2010, mixed mediaAlide Dahlberg. Uncle Mole's Party, 2010, mixed mediaEpp Petrone. Fairytales of Love: Bulgarian fairytale Princess Plays Hide and Seek, 2011, mixed mediaOlivia Saar. Rawr the Lion's and Jack the Rabbit's new adventures, TEA, 2011, mixed mediaOlivia Saar. Rawr the Lion's and Jack the Rabbit's new adventures, TEA, 2011, mixed mediaUrve Tinnuri. A Fairytale of a Brave Pirate, TEA, 2012, mixed mediaTäheke magazine in Kihnu dialect, 2011, mixed mediaTäheke magazine, 12/2012, cover, mixed mediaTäheke magazine, 2/2013, illustration for Contra's poem. Dream of South, mixed media

Mommy’s Kiss

Elar Kuus

2021, 25 pp
ISBN: 9789949690756
fiction, fairy-tale


Ott Arder

TEA Kirjastus
2008, 36 pp
ISBN: 9789985717165
fiction, poetry

The Pirate Ship

Henno Käo

TEA Kirjastus
2007, 48 pp
ISBN: 9789985715840
fiction, poetry
5 Best Designed Estonian Children’s Books, Certificate of Merit


5 Best Designed Estonian Children’s Books, Special prize of the Estonian Children’s Literature Centre (The Golden Book of Estonian Fairy Tales)


Raisin of the Year Award (Once Upon a Time...)


25 Best Designed Estonian Books, Certificate of Merit

Book design competition, 3rd prize, Riga
Baltic Book Graphics Competition, Certificate of Merit
Artist Book Competition, Certificate of Merit, Moscow


25 Best Designed Estonian Books, Certificate of Merit