Ilmar Tomusk (1964) is a civil servant and children’s writer. He graduated from the Tallinn Pedagogical Institute in Estonian language and literature education, and currently works as Chief Director of the Estonian Language Inspectorate. Tomusk has written more than 30 children’s books. His humorous stories, which alternate between elements of realism and fantasy, tell of clever, busy children’s everyday activities and adventures. Testament to his popularity among young readers are his three Nukits Awards in addition to several other reader’s-choice prizes.
Profile photo: Dmitri Kotjuh
Datordullā skola
Original title: Digi-Crazy School
Language: Latvian
Illustrator: Hillar Mets
Translator: Daila Ozola
Zvaigzne ABC
2021, 160 pp
ISBN: 9789934095658
storybook, fiction
Izmeklētāji no 3. A
Original title: The Forensics Kids of Class 3A
Language: Latvian
Illustrator: Hillar Mets
Translator: Daila Ozola
2023, 96 pp
ISBN: 9789984335667
storybook, fiction
Mieliausias Katinėlis
Original title: Precious Cat
Language: Lithuanian
Illustrator: Catherine Zarip
Translator: Viltarė Mickevičienė (Urbaitė)
Žalias kalnas
2024, 32 pp
ISBN: 9786098310108
picturebook, fiction
Vilka draugi
Original title: Wolf’s Friends
Language: Latvian
Illustrator: Catherine Zarip
Translator: Daila Ozola
Zvaigzne ABC
2021, 26 pp
ISBN: 9789934097218
picturebook, fiction
Vilko bičiuliai
Original title: Wolf’s Friends
Language: Lithuanian
Illustrator: Catherine Zarip
Translator: Viltarė Mickevičienė (Urbaitė)
Nieko rimto
2024, 26 pp
ISBN: 9786094418600
picturebook, fiction
Vĺčik a jeho kamaráti
Original title: Wolf’s Friends
Illustrator: Catherine Zarip
Translator: Lucia Hlubeňová
2021, 32 pp
ISBN: 9788055179100
picturebook, fiction
Друзі Вовчика
Original title: Wolf’s Friends
Language: Ukrainian
Illustrator: Catherine Zarip
Translator: Irina Pavljuk
The Old Lion Publishing House (Видавництво Старого Лева)
2020, 26 pp
ISBN: 9786176798408
fiction, picturebook
Криминалисты из третьего «А»
Original title: The Forensics Kids of Class 3A
Language: Russian
Illustrator: Hillar Mets
Translator: Maia Melts etc...
2017, 96 pp
ISBN: 9789949974740
fiction, storybook
Криминальные пирожки с сосисками : криминалисты из четвёртого «А»
Original title: The Criminal Hot-Dog Pastries: The Forensics Kids of Class 4A
Language: Russian
Illustrator: Hillar Mets
Translator: Maia Melts
2017, 115 pp
ISBN: 9789949974795
fiction, storybook
Привет, Волли!
Illustrator: Kirke Kangro
Translator: Maia Melts
2012, 128 pp
ISBN: 9789949933426
fiction, storybook
IBBY Honour List (Mathematical Friend)
Nukits competition, 2nd place (Precious Cat)
Nominee of the Annual Children's Literature Award of the Cultural Endowment of Estonia (Rooster)
Good Children’s Book (Paul Will Be an Engineer)
Good Children’s Book (The Door)
The "Järje Hoidja" Award of the Tallinn Central Library (Mathematical Friend)
Tartu Prize for Children's Literature (Childhood Prize), (Julius, what did you in the summer?)
The "Järje Hoidja" Award of the Tallinn Central Library (Precious Cat)
Nukits Competition, 3rd/4th place (The Detectives of Sunnywood Retirement Home)
Raisin of the Year Award (Unrelated Relations)
Good Children’s Book (Unrelated Relations)
Nukits Competition, 1st place (Adventures of an Amateur Time Traveler, Adventures in a Parallel World)
Good Children’s Book (Wolf’s Friends)
Nukits Competition, 1st place (The Criminal Summer Break, The Criminal Road-Trippers, The Criminal Bank President)
“Järje Hoidja” Award of the Tallinn Central Library (The Criminal Bank President: The Forensics Kids are Back)
Nukits Competition, 1st place (The Forensics Kids of Class 3A, The Criminal Hot-Dog Pastries, The Criminal School-Pops)
“Järje Hoidja” Award of the Tallinn Central Library (The Forensics Kids of Class 3A)
Good Children’s Book (The Forensics Kids of Class 3A)
Annual Children’s Literature Award of the Cultural Endowment of Estonia (Volli's Old Tricks)
Good Children’s Book (Volli's Old Tricks)
Republic of Estonia Order of the White Star, V Class
IBBY Honour List (Mathematical Friend)
Nukits competition, 2nd place (Precious Cat)
Nominee of the Annual Children's Literature Award of the Cultural Endowment of Estonia (Rooster)
Good Children’s Book (Paul Will Be an Engineer)
Good Children’s Book (The Door)
The "Järje Hoidja" Award of the Tallinn Central Library (Mathematical Friend)
Tartu Prize for Children's Literature (Childhood Prize), (Julius, what did you in the summer?)
The "Järje Hoidja" Award of the Tallinn Central Library (Precious Cat)
Nukits Competition, 3rd/4th place (The Detectives of Sunnywood Retirement Home)
Raisin of the Year Award (Unrelated Relations)
Good Children’s Book (Unrelated Relations)
Nukits Competition, 1st place (Adventures of an Amateur Time Traveler, Adventures in a Parallel World)
Good Children’s Book (Wolf’s Friends)
Nukits Competition, 1st place (The Criminal Summer Break, The Criminal Road-Trippers, The Criminal Bank President)
“Järje Hoidja” Award of the Tallinn Central Library (The Criminal Bank President: The Forensics Kids are Back)
Nukits Competition, 1st place (The Forensics Kids of Class 3A, The Criminal Hot-Dog Pastries, The Criminal School-Pops)
“Järje Hoidja” Award of the Tallinn Central Library (The Forensics Kids of Class 3A)
Good Children’s Book (The Forensics Kids of Class 3A)
Annual Children’s Literature Award of the Cultural Endowment of Estonia (Volli's Old Tricks)
Good Children’s Book (Volli's Old Tricks)
Republic of Estonia Order of the White Star, V Class
Katrin Hiietam