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Tiny Books On Human Rights From Baltic Authors

Estonian children’s writers and illustrators are working together with their Baltic colleagues to bring topics of human rights and diversity to children.

International project Diversity and Human Rights Literature for Children from Baltic Authors has been developed with partners from Latvia and Lithuania. Six writers and six illustrators from all three countries were selected through an open call to participate in the project. The selected authors will create tiny books related to topics of equality, cultural diversity, disability, ageism, gender roles or freedom of speech.

The project aims to create literature that tells children about important topics related to human rights and diversity. “We believe that these topics are very important in today’s world and they need to be discussed already in childhood,” said Ulla Saar, the project coordinator in Estonia. The project also aims to promote the cooperation of children’s authors of the Baltic States and share professional children’s literature created here with the rest of the world. That is why the completed books are presented at book fairs of global importance, such as in Bologna and Frankfurt.

Estonian illustrators selected to participate in the project are Kärt Einasto, Gerda Märtens, Anna Ring, Jaan Rõõmus, Kertu Sillaste and Olga Skomorokhova and the selected writers are Sandra Heidov, Indrek Koff, Triinu Laan, Helena Läks, Juhani Püttsepp and Reeli Reinaus. The writers and illustrators from different Baltic countries will be paired up to create the tiny books. The books will be ready by September and they will be accompanied by methodological materials for parents/educators on how to talk with children of target age group on various human rights topics.

The Project was developed by the Lithuanian Center for School Improvement, the Latvian Section of the International Board on Books for Young People (IBBY) and the Estonian Children’s Literature Centre.

Further info
Ulla Saar
Estonian Children’s Literature Centre