Opening hours:
Mon–Fri 10–18
Sat 11–16
Sun closed
Contact: +372 617 7235

The children’s library serves mainly preschoolers and children in primary school, but all other children’s literature enthusiasts are also welcome (teachers, publishers, university students, etc.). Books and magazines can both be borrowed and read on site. Readers’ rights and obligations are regulated in the usage rules of the library.
Items from the archive and information service collections are generally not lent for home use. They can be used on site by agreement.
Using the e-catalogue, one can conveniently search through literature available in the library fund, receive brief summaries of items, copies and find out about a book’s status. Users can also see information on magazines, newspapers, audio/visual and other items, as well as data on their availability. By choosing “Recent Additions” from the menu, the user can view a list of new literature in the collection and print it out if desired.