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John the Skeleton

Triinu Laan

  • Illustrator: Marja-Liisa Plats
  • 2020, 61 pp
  • ISBN: 9789916951224
  • Age: 6+
  • fiction, storybook

Rights sold: English, Finnish, Latvian, Lithuanian, Czech, Slovenian, Croatian, Italian, Korean

The skeleton model used for teaching anatomy at school is sent into retirement. Gramps reckons that every hardworking employee deserves to relax after years spent on the job, so he brings John the skeleton back to his farm. Also there are Gramma, a hen and a rooster, a cat and a dog, and even the old couple’s grandchildren from time to time. Gramps takes the skeleton pretty much everywhere he goes, be it to trim the apple trees, listen to a bedtime story, or hear the way the lake sings. John is unbelievably happy, and so is everyone else around him – especially the grandkids!