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The Literary Festival HeadRead in the Estonian Children’s Literature Centre

headreadDuring the HeadRead Literary Festival meetings with children‘s literature authors as well as a book fair will take place in the Estonian Children’s Literature Centre.

Thursday, 26th May

10 am – Children can meet the beloved Estonian author Andrus Kivirähk, whose book Oskar ja asjad (Oskar and Things) was one of the most popular books last year among children, as well as adults. The meeting will be held in Estonian.

1 pm – The writer Viiu-Marie Fürstenberg and the artist Maria Viidalepp present their book Mitte kaotada! Ühe tüdruku päevik (Do Not Lose! A Diary of A Girl). The meeting will be held in Estonian.

5 pm – UK author Claire North meets readers. The meeting will be held in English.

Friday, 27th May

10 am – Well-known Estonian writers Ilmar Tomusk and Mika Keränen meet their readers and talk about crime literature. The meeting will be held in Estonian.

12 pm – Finnish author Siri Kolu meets readers. The meeting will be held in English.

Saturday, 28th May

12 pm – Book fair in the courtyard of the Estonian Children’s Literature Centre. Everyone can bring along children’ books for exchange! Children can meet the mascot of the Centre, Nukitsamees (Bumpy), as well as Pan the Clown.

See also: The Literary Festival HeadRead

Welcome to the Literary Festival HeadRead!

Eesti Lastekirjanduse Keskus