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Premiere of the Theatre Play The Fishes’ Tea-Parties in Genf

Today, 31st March 2017, at 7pm, the play The Fishes’ Tea-Parties will be shown in Genf. The theatre play is inspired by Piret Raud’s book Slightly Silly Stories.

The music has been composed by Samuel Sighicelli and Benjamin De La Fuente, the choreography by Ambre Senatore.

The characters of Piret Raud’s Slightly Silly Stories are, as the title suggests, “slightly silly”: take for example the egg who likes to do yoga, or the mobile phone who is shy. Other characters include Uncle Vello, who has a passion of collecting buttons, and fishes who love to drink tasty tea.

The Fishes’ Tea-Parties is part of the programme of the theatre festival Archipel Genève.

See more: Est-ce que les poissons boivent du thé?

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