Hüppa põhisisu juurde

Viive Noor on a book tour in Italy

A book tour promoting the children’s book Tamburopoli written by the Italian journalist Bianca Maria Tricarico and illustrated by the Estonian artist Viive Noor was held at the end of May and in the beginning of June in Italy.

The tour was organized by the publishing house SECOP edizioni and the cultural association dedicated to promoting reading Associazione Culturale FOS. All together, 10 book presentations were held in libraries all across Italy. The tour began from Milan and the stops included Torino, Rome, Caserta, Napoli, Matera, Bari, Bisceglie, Corato and Bitonto. The illustrator and the author of the book met with both younger and older readers and the meetings were moderated by Raffaella Leone.

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